Veterinary medicine is a global public good that addresses compelling societal needs. Veterinarians play a critical role in fostering the safety of the global food supply, protecting public health, battling infectious disease threats, and providing care for companion animals. High quality education and a well-trained professional workforce are foundational to providing adequate veterinary medical services.
Recognizing its responsibility to provide global leadership for academic veterinary medicine, in 2016 the ̽»¨ÏµÁÐestablished the Council on International Veterinary Medical Education (CIVME). The goal is to promote collaboration, foster innovation and share best practices on a worldwide scale to advance the quality of teaching and learning in veterinary medical education. CIVME’s existence serves as a constant reminder of the veterinary medical profession’s obligation to ensure that the benefits of modern veterinary medicine are shared with as many people and animals as possible around the world.

CIVME’s goals are congruent with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which lists 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) structured upon an urgent call for action by developing and developed countries working together in a global partnership. These goals call for an end to hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, clean water, economic growth, and responsible consumption and production. Veterinary medical professionals have a large role to play in many of these. CIVME comprises representatives from eight major global regions:
- Africa and Middle East/North Africa
- Australia/New Zealand
- Asia
- Europe
- Latin America/Caribbean
- US/Canada*
* Ross University, St. George’s University, and St. Matthews University included in US/Canada Region
The CIVME Learning Community serves as a vital hub for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and advancement in veterinary medical education on a global scale. Interested in joining? Enroll here: