DIVERSITY – DiVersity Matters
The ̽ϵaffirms the value of diversity within the veterinary medical profession. The membership is committed to incorporating that belief in its actions by advocating the recruitment and retention of underrepresented persons as students and faculty and ultimately fostering their success in veterinary medicine.
Contrary to societal trends, veterinary medicine remains one of the least diverse professions in the United States. However, our efforts to attract a student body that is more reflective of society as a whole have resulted in diversification of the applicant pool. The number of racially and/or ethnically underrepresented students currently is about 20 percent of total enrollment. That figure continues to grow and has increased substantially since the 2005 launch of the DiVersity Matters initiative.
To achieve results, we conduct career fairs, disseminate information about veterinary career options, work to generate interest in veterinary medicine, present at key diversity meetings and conferences, and help lead students through the application process.
The ̽ϵhas been a champion of equality since its inception. Explore some of the links below that detail some of our many programs in diversity and inclusion and glimpses of some of the successes we have achieved over the years.
- Addressing Societal Needs
- Definition of Diversity
- Diversity and inclusion in Academic Veterinary Medicine
- Principles of Inclusion
- DiVersity Matters
- Diversity and Inclusion on Air
- Iverson Bell Award
- Increased Enrollment of Under-Represented Groups
Diversity and Inclusion on Air:
Conversations about Diversity, Inclusion & Veterinary Medicine
In fall of 2015, ̽ϵlaunched Diversity & Inclusion on Air: Conversations about Diversity, Inclusion & Veterinary Medicine.
Although there has been in an increase in the amount of diversity programming hosted by AAVMC, its member institutions and student organizations, there is still a dearth of available programming within the veterinary profession. Diversity & Inclusion on Air has changed this by delivering more diversity programming to a wider veterinary audience. The program regularly covers a wide range of topics and features guests from across the profession and beyond.
The podcast produces new episodes on a regular basis through YouTube and Soundcloud, and each show features engaging interviews on a wide range of diversity and inclusion topics. During special live-casts of the show, [participants and viewers are able to access the program on YouTube, post questions, engage in a chat room during the program. Audio only versions will also be available via most podcast applications, such as iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
The “on air” feature allows us to include international members, which is a high priority for AAVMC, and the YouTube feature allows for broader access by members of the profession including possible usage by faculty to augment any diversity content in classes.
The at Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine will also count viewing or listening of the Diversity and Inclusion on Air podcast as meeting the “attending a diversity program” requirement, provided participants complete the accompanying summary.
Below you will find links to the YouTube page as well as the podcast channel on SoundCloud.
Organizational Assessment Tools
These organizational and meeting assessment tools can help you improve your culture and your conferences.
- ̽ϵConference/Symposia Diversity & Inclusion Assessment Tool
- Intentional Organizational Diversity & Inclusion Efforts Assessment Tool

Diversity and Inclusion are part of our core values.
Diversity: We embrace the fundamental virtue and strength of diversity in every dimension.
Inclusion: We affirm the dignity and equity of all people and view collaboration as the cornerstone of successful relationships.
Diversity and Inclusion are part of our strategic goals.
Identify, inspire and recruit qualified and diverse applicants who will serve as the future veterinary medical workforce.
̽ϵDiVersity Matters Climate Survey
When “Climate” Change Might be a Good Thing
Assessing and Enhancing Diversity in Academic Environments
The ̽ϵperiodically conducts a climate survey to assess the state of organizational culture on campus with respect to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). See the most recent results below:
Map of CVM’s and Minority Serving Institutions
In an effort to promote recruitment, collaboration, and increased access and opportunity for underrepresented students, ̽ϵhas created the interactive map above featuring locations of colleges of veterinary medicine and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).
The visualization shows existing relationships between colleges of veterinary medicine and MSIs, as well as the numerous MSI institutions where colleges, veterinary organizations and individual veterinary professionals can foster relationships that strengthen pathways to careers in veterinary medicine for underrepresented students.
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Related Publications
Greenhill, L. M., & Carmichael, K. P. (2014). Survey of College Climates at All 28 US Colleges and Schools of Veterinary Medicine: Preliminary Findings. Journal of veterinary medical education, 41(2), 111-121.
For more information about the ̽ϵDiVersity Matters Climate Survey, please contact Lisa Greenhill at lgreenhill@aavmc.org.