Upcoming VetCAN Events
Event Hours: Saturday, January 21st, 2023 from 1-4pm EST
This free, virtual event aims to connect students interested in听equine and large animal听with employers from around the country and is an excellent opportunity to learn about jobs, externships, mentorship, or simply to make connections and get advice. For a list of currently registered employers click听.
To participate Prior registration is not necessary, but is encouraged. 听
Event Hours: Saturday, February 18th, 2023 from 1p-4p EST
Need to hire an associate? Have a desire to gain exposure among a national pool of candidates, all without having to travel and pay registration fees for several events? If so, register for the today!
Capitalize on the opportunity to gain maximum exposure at minimal cost and effort.
New to the world of virtual recruiting? Email vetcan@aavmc.org for more information.
Hosted by the 探花系列VETCAN